Lisening to this fucking awsome tune a question arised that i always wonder but never remember 2 ask....what is that fucking tune at the begining of the song...the distorted bass riffage..

.sounds a lot like iggy pop...can anyone confirm that???? Also - the fucking wailing feedback at the end....omfing lord Orgasmic noise
Jusssstiss IZZZ MitEE is another favorite off bad moon. That detuned guitar riff is jus mental - really dazed doped sorta feeling riff....SATAN IS BORING - this song is so creepy, its almost alive. i rememember eating magic shrooms and lisening to this full blast, and it was a great was actully around halloween time....And bad moon rising has that sorta moody, halloweeney, forest sorta feel to it..Like reminds me of the Blair witch project. And the booklet art is fascinating.......definately one of my favorite SY albums.