Originally Posted by Glice
And, while I'm thinking about it, have you noticed that with a certain type of music, there are only so many people on this board who even feign having an interest?
would you rather people pretended to talk about music they don;t know, or don't like?
I myself am deadly bored by DJ music. I can dance to it at a club and I can enjoy it for that, but I am nearly instantly bored by it the moment I put it on at home or in my car. I find it tedious. I have listened to and own kid koala, kid 606, mouse on mars, RJD2, etc, and it is simply boring after a few listens.
I like peope playing instruments. Cornelius' music can soujd like DJ pastiche but he actually plays and records every instrument himself for the most part. it is actual instrumentation. he then teaches it to his friends and they go on tour.
paying 20 bucks to watch a dude on a turntable and a mixer and a computer is my idea of braindeath.