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Old 10.03.2006, 03:39 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Still gotta get around to that.

Paying for my bassman repairs and building a cab for it were the precedents this summer as well as paying my Dad for the synth I bought from him.

I'll probably do it sometime this winter when it is all cold and I'm cooked up. Winter seems to be my time to DIY.

My project will be really cool though, because most of the mods I wanted to do I decided I could do externally and add a CV control to the frequency analyzer. The only internal mods to it will be square wave, carrier in, and CV in.

My CV controller is the big project though. The plan is that I'll have synth like control over any pedal that I mod to accept it.

That project will hit top priority sooner or later.

I've got a bunch of stuff to do on my list:
mod my PB+J (or send it to Colin and have him do it )
make my pedal CV controller (sequencer, envelope, expression pedal, LFO, the works!)
buy about 4-6 EH pedals
make the ultimate chorus pedal (still brewing some ideas for that)
mod my frequency analyzer
work on my home studio
buy a car
pay off some of my loans

I need to make more money
Oh yeah, your plate is full.
Gotta post samples of your EHX FA mod when you do it - that sounds cool. Just got a Expression pedal to use for my Moog Ring Mod, and that makes is so much funner and flexible.
Still waiting for the local stores to get those new ehx pedals in. I'm actually selling my vintage small stone (for more than I paid!) tomorrow since Small White is moving up in the world of drum machines - hello Boss DR-770 for $135 from craigslist! Oh man, I really dread reprogramming all those old beatz into the thing though!
The ultimate chorus pedal? Let me know what you come up with. BYOC perhaps? I'm hoping that Clone Theory reissue will be sick...
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