Available titles in the Apop Pasteur Series.
$9 postage paid or 3 for $20
Each cd is sealed in petri dishes with artwork/dye/polyethylene glycol mixture.
The first installment in Apop’s Pasteur series features WARHAMMER 48K unleashing a storm of intense, droning psych-metal sludge. Frantic, confused vocals submerge themselves in layers of muck and grime. Packaged in petri dishes with the artwork sealed in wax, and pressed in an edition of 666 copies.
Coalition For a Better Tomorrow
Originally packaged and released (by Menschenfeind Productions) in anedition of 33 and later in editon of two hundred
each disc came packaged in a large Petri dish, the disc submerged in agar. Latex gloves where provided to retrieve the disc.
All art work was grown on the agar using a mix of bacteria, phage and antibiotics. The release was only available in
the U.S. for obvious reasons. This time around the cd is packaged in oversized petri dishes,
with artwork sealed in wax. No bacteria or agar this time. The release includes all 3 Coalition for a Better Tomorrow tracks,
also included is theEugenics Council live set at the Velvet Lounge from 1998 along with the Sikhara set from the same night.
The cd is ended with 1 unreleased track each from theEugenics Council, Praying for Oblivion, and Sikhara.
limited to 168 copies.
20 minutes of beautiful drone, muffled screams, and mindnumbing Synth blasts from Rie, and Mayuko of Osaka Japan. Packaged in petri dishes with art sealed in wax
Roxanne Jean Polise "We're All Right"
1 long rumbling industrial creep drone.
Each cd is sealed in petri dishes with artwork/dye/polyethylene glycol mixture
Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck "Girls Born in the 90's"
Without giving audiences a moment's rest from their last 4.5 minute burn-out, P.T. Barnum's Gallery Of Masturbatorial Disenchantment, Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck are back for yet another accosting, this time, as part of APOP Record's packaged petri dish saga, Pasteur Series. Girls Born In The Nineties represents Twodeadsluts at their most fucked-raw state, abandoning the stringed and factory designed for the broken, smashed, and hotwired. Adding Portland accomplice Joshua Hydeman (whom shared one side of the vinyl on Friendship Bracelet's 2005 release Split Wide Open) seems to just make things even more depraved. In short, Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck are screaming at the top of their lungs to Girls Born In The Nineties: plan on getting violated
Insect Deli "Micro Condiments"
Chicago..s finest Insectoid treats adventurous listeners to the delectable audio appetizer Micro Condiments. Savor every second of this gourmet dish, consisting of tasty glitches, shredded beats, and flawless composition. A morsel of sound so intense and evocative it is sure to satiate the most ravenous hunger.
Twenty minutes of Industrial sludge dredged up from the bottom of ancient tar pits. Sword Heaven bashes the listener into submission with the haunting sounds of Screeching metal, caveman howls, and the most intense pounding of drums one will ever encounter.
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