there have been many many instances in the past where "conspiracy theories" have been proven TRUE once years pass and once-sensitive information is released to the press or public.
the united states and every other governing body of the world, engages in covert, secret, unconstitutional endeavors for whatever reasons, and this feeds the paranoia. the "conspiracy theory" that bush and his people went to war in iraq becaue iof a personal agenda and not because of weapons of mass destruction or because of hussein ties to al quaeda (which was tossed around 3 years ago) is and was entirely TRUE.
do not discount the conspirace thorists. sometimes they are right.
Just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you.
the far fetched outlandish conspiracies are easier to dismiss, such as the faked holocaust and the faked moon landing, involve so many thousands and thousands of people that would ahve to "keep a secret" that they are easy to dismiss.
however, people had theories about a conspiracy for government and business to price fix the electric utilities in california and a few years later that was all proven TRUE, and the multi billion dollar enron scandal erupted from that.
the conspiracy theory that big auto manufacturers purposefully destropyed the idea of an electric car to continue making money off of fossil fuels and internal combuistion engines was ridiculed for twenty years, but it WAS TRUE
treat everything with an open mind. do not make a judgement until you have checked the pertinent info, and if there is no pertinent info, reserve judgement until you can get some, either proving or disproving.