Originally Posted by Soundtrax
ok, you got the point.. and John Violence is right that Candle in some parts isnt 4/4, but dont you think sometimes that steve shelly can't make up much else than ("bass, bass, snare, bass" loop) kinda druming? I mean, I still like sonic youth, but i just sometimes wonder how their music would sound if .... ? you know... 
Oh man, I could really rip into you hard right now about how wrong you are about Steve's drumming. Goddamn that man can drum. Everything from hard stuff, to really delicate arhythmic textured stuff. I mean listen to fucking schizophrenia and tell me that what he does on the toms during the middle section isn't the most perfect, simple, and dynamic drumming that could fall under those great harmonics and crazy chords thurston and lee are playing. One of my favorite drum moments ever. Stever doesn't show off, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have chops. He's not a wanker. Not at all. Different time sigs would be cool. I'd love to hear a sonic waltz, but I don't think that's the way they approach their song writing (thinking about technical aspects first), and drumming should always be in service to moving the song, or as a texturizer or a tendorizer.
Not to mention, his drumming in the Crucifucks is punk drumming at its best.
But yeah... I guess a little more time signature exploration would spice things up... I mean I doubt it would hurt.
Come on people, step up to the plate and lets change the thread to one about how great Steve's drumming is. The Nurse record/tour particularyly showed off how amazing Monsieur Shelley was. The movement he created on New Hampshire and Stones in particular made them rock 1000x harder than they sounded on the record.