Originally Posted by Hip Priest
We do not have any kind of 'Hall of Fame' system in the UK, the honours system probably explains why. Likewise, you have no royal family, so that would explain your development of an alternative system of praise.
I wasn't saying that only 'punk' bands feel animosity towards self-appointed and largely unaccountable people (my description). I think people generally should feel that way. Big up to Steely Dan for their stance, I say.
I was listening to Jonesy's Jukebox(Steve Jones) and he was saying something abouth how England has an "equivalent" of the US's HoF, but isn't called "HoF", but had some kind of affiliation to Royal Family(like some kind of acceptance of sorts). He also said they wouldn't have done that either.
Gotta love a band that's named after a female self-gratification device