Well, I finally got to see this amazing group. & it was one of the greatest shows I've seen in a while. Let me tell you the story. I got there real early & checked out downtown Asheville. Went to an art exhibit @ the Asheville Arts Council. They were showing pieces of women artists in Asheville. & went to the skate shop PUSH, & saw a unique art gallery there as well. Got a bite to eat, smoked a splif, & went to get my tickets at the box-office.
Well, on my walk up to The Orange Peel box-office, I pass the tour bus outside, & right next to me is J.Mascis just hanging out.
Then the doors finally open. I get inside, get my concert t-shirt, & mark my territory in front of the left side of the stage. Priestess wasn't that great. the drummer was pretty good. Now, Dead Meadow, they were fucking amazing.
Just a great sound, & they're great musicians. Especially the bass player.
& Dinosaur Jr., what can be said that hasn't been said before. They were fucking amazing. It was great to see J. again, but I loved seeing Lou & Murph kick the shit out of their instruments. Of course, J. was amazing as always.
So, the show is over. J., Lou, & Murph are walking off stage. & suddenly, Murph throws his drumstick in the front row. & guess who got it.
All in all, it was a great day, & a great show. I just wanted to share it w/ you.
Sonic Life