children of satan
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Miami
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She talks about how "Moon Pix" came about.
Greg Weeks: Okay. So, last year when we left off...
Chan Marshall: [Joke's] You're talking like a shrink, you know this?
Greg Weeks: (laughs)
Chan Marshall: I was 25...
It was the Knitting Factory show, and it was a total meltdown on stage...
That was last year, right? Yeah, it was horrible.
What exactly was it ... I know there was the whole political thing...
Suicidal... voices.... breakdown. Complete confusion about what's real and what's not real, and what matters and what doesn't matter. And how am I feeling? Do I feel? Am I evil? Am I smart, am I stupid, am I insane? It was definitely just a breakdown. It had nothing to do with being on stage or being a female or being in a band or from living in New York. It had nothing to do with anything except that, like, it was the most difficult ... [struggling with what to say next] The day after I left New York I went and bought a truck, and was going to move to Mexico but ended up in Prosperity, South Carolina.
And what put you in that direction?
'Cause I had to leave this fuckin'... I couldn't function at all.
Why didn't you go through with going to Mexico?
Because I found a town called Prosperity. I found this house that was for rent and it just stopped me. It was like, [mimics a car screeching to a halt] I went in and the woman had the house ready and she was like "it's $425, and it has eight rooms," and there were fields all around it. No people anywhere. I just stopped my car and looked at the house, gave her some cash, called BILL [CALLAHAN] and told him, and we moved there. And it fuckin' made me so happy.
That's how you worked through everything that was going on in your head?
Mmhmm, yes.
What about all the stage anxieties that you had as far as performing in front of people, and whether being a performing artist was a worthwhile career choice for anyone?
I totally had put that in... that night [at the Knitting Factory] when I was walking away from the stage and Bill was about to go on, it was over. When I was standing there I was sealing the envelope and closing it on myself and just throwing it into the wind. I just totally threw it into the wind. While I was up there playing I was just sealing the envelope and closing it and just giving it away. Just like, "fuck this."
Basically, you were thinking of resigning from being a musician entirely?
Absolutely! I already knew that I wanted to do that like six months before. I mean, on tour, like six months before that, just realizing that it was just over. October. The end of October, Matador thought I was moving away to write a new record. And, I got the fuck outta here and just cooked, and read books, went swimming, played tennis, went to the dog pound, went to museums...
How much of a help was Bill? He moved with you... was that as a friend or something more than that...?
Total companion.
And he helped you work through all that kinda' stuff?
Bill taught me something. I understood something new because of what he taught me.
Which was...? He seems pretty grounded, is that what you got from him?
He's very grounded. He taught me that the feelings that I was feeling... there were reasons for my feeling this way. He told me that it was natural. That I should have such extreme feelings from such extreme cause.
And the cause for you was this onrush of semi-fame?
Not at all. Not at all that. I was like a mechanic. Like, an audience was an engine and they needed their engine fixed. They brought money to see me fix their engine. It just became a mechanical thing where I wasn't allowed to feel anything.
Do you feel that that's what the audience was asking of you or was that just the way that you started to see it?
No. It's a reality. It is a reality that I play my songs. That's reality. It is a reality that people like to go see shows and have some beer and, like, people actually talk about how they feel about the show, and it's sorta' like, it's this sorta' world where people get paid to be photographers and interviewers [Hear that Jack, she thinks you pay us!] and people go buy vintage stuff and do all these record collections and it's like charts and graphs and coolness and factors and science and method of rules. [And] all I'm doing is this thing that seems really natural, but then ... there's no way for me to really describe it because it's a feeling. It's negative. But I've learned that now. I've learned something new. That's what I mean. And it's spiritual, and my songs have changed because of it, and I feel better. I feel like I've turned. I feel like I'm coming down the mountain now. It's interesting.
So, you attribute the shift in your musical styles to...
Has the style changed?
It's more hymns now, isn't it?
Than the blues.
Well, it's funny because...
It's how I feel.
Yeah, it's a lot more soulful. There's definitely something that's been injected here. A different kind of realness. You're not obsessed with melancholia. It doesn't seem like that's overwhelming you. I went through Moon Pix and listed a bunch of the themes that immediately come out, and almost all of [the songs] seem to be about salvation, transformation, celebration, or isolation.
What do you mean?
The thematic text within those songs talk about becoming "someone different," becoming "someone better." Things like that.
That's "Colors And The Kids."
That is, yeah. I can't go through every song and tell you specifically each part, this was just something I did as a thumbnail. I could listen to the album and give you lots of different examples. There's still fatalism, and there's still self-destruction dealt with in here [glancing at disc]...
Which one!? "Moonshiner?"
Um, "Moonshiner" definitely.
That is the only song... that's a traditional song, I didn't write that song.
And "Back Of Your Head."
That's an old song. That's before I felt good.
Yeah! I remember you playing that before.
See, the other songs are not bad.
But that's what I'm talking about.
All the ones that I wrote one night, because I quit music, and I'll tell you really quickly, let me tell you really quickly what happened. I quit playing music, lived in South Carolina. Really enjoyed my life. Went to Wall-Mart, bought some bluejeans and a t-shirt and some flip-flops. And I just existed as a... I cooked. I ate smoothies. I made créme broulé. I made biscuits. I met a beautiful kitty that became my good friend and whatever. I read books and wrote some things down, and I painted [you can check them out on the Matador website] and watched Seinfeld, and I watched Matlock and... I listened to NPR, and I listened to Mountain Radio and went canoeing. And I saw horses and petted cows and did things, and talked to birds and stuff. I went on walks and I saw abandoned shacks and shoes and suitcases and clothes and bottles and refrigerators, and people and children and had conversations with rednecks and racists and Jehovah's Witnesses and Baptists and janitors...
So, basically you grounded yourself. That's real life.
People that are not a part of Babylon at all. People that are not a part of Manhattan life. They're not city life. People that go to bed at 9:30.
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