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Old 08.23.2006, 03:23 PM   #6
Savage Clone
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Savage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's asses
I have little interest in digital format (though I still buy CDs if the album doesn't come any other way or if the packaging is particularly amazing), but I do obsessively collect vinyl. Being unemployed right now, I am buying drastically less stuff, and consequently feeling out of touch. I used to go to record stores 2 and 3 times a week, but now there are fewer stores and I have fewer funds. I mailorder stuff much more than I ever did before, as less stuff I want seems to be in the stores anyway, plus it tends to be slightly cheaper.

I have my collection in two large record-store browsers, alphabetically organized with old divider cards from my friend's old store (RIP after 18 years). Some genre separation, but not too much. My CDs are not really organized, but I pretty much know where they all are. Same with 7-inches. I do periodic purging of stuff I don't consider essential; the most stuff I ever purged was around 120 CDs at once. LPs I sell off in far fewer quantities, and only if the value is going to be enough to be worth dealing with selling it in the first place.
I have definitely bought the same album more than once on several occasions. Sometimes it's to get a nicer vintage copy, sometimes to get a really nice reissue pressing, sometimes to get the vinyl of something I only had on CD before. On rare occasions I miss something I used to have and buy it again, but this has only happened a couple of times.

The most I have ever paid for a record is about 60 or 70 dollars (twice I paid $180 for comprehensive box sets), but I have many that are now worth several hundred.

I don't fall into the record licker category (just read the article, and I know the type all too well), apparently. I stay the hell away from the dollar bins for the most part. I am pretty hung up on condition, and the dollar bins are not usually a good place to find either quality titles or decent condition in LPs.
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