Im not really a big fan of this band anyway but I do want to check out this cover.Its only on i-tunes right now but it will eventually leak over to other file sharing networks.
From Pitchfork:
Unclear whose star's hitching whose wagon here: SY and YYY have been parading around like tabloid inamoratas lately, making out at stoplights, sharing milkshakes, co-headlining pool parties. Now they're fucking with covers. Bad idea if you ask me-- New York torch-passings mostly end in fire. Smartly, the Yeahs take the humble route, opting for lame strums and letting Karen O coo the chowder-thick guitar hook. She blows Thurston Moore's original vocal wide open, picking up on the song's discreet marching quality without drowning it in lugubriousness. A late, great boys-only bridge coaxes Endless Summer vibes from Nick Zinner's reverb-soused amp, with brushed snare scratches providing the obvious wave metaphor. I still prefer the Youth's quarter-hour wash cycle, but at least, as iTunes Music Store user Insane Harry Potter Fan!!! puts it, this take is "good to study to."
"I said I didnt mean to take up all your sweet time
Ill give it right back one of these days
If I dont meet you no more in this world then uh
Ill meet ya on the next one
And dont be late "
-Jimi Hendrix
...And me just another dream theory, lost inside your eye
"when my mind's uncertain my body decides
what it will do to get through the hell of the night
as I trip on the ocean that leads through your eyes
well my eyes can't wait til they finally see through you"