Thread: Sol Invictus
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Old 08.10.2006, 01:02 PM   #2
invito al cielo
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The name Sol Invictus derives from a pre-Christian Rome-based cult whose Latin name means "the unconquered sun": see Sol Invictus for details. Wakeford chose the name because "The sun has always been an important symbol and as the cult of Sol Invictus nearly defeated Christianity at one point it seemed a good name to use. I also love the sound of Latin."


The band's imagery and lyrical content, especially in its early days, was strongly influenced by radical traditionalism and antipathy towards the modern world and materialism. A particular influence was the Italian philosopher Julius Evola—indeed, the title of the band's first LP, Against the Modern World, is an allusion to Evola's work Revolt Against the Modern World—and the song "Amongst the Ruins" takes its name from Evola's Men Among the Ruins.
The band also has considerable interest in heathen and Mithraist themes, often reflecting an explicit antipathy to Christianity: the 1997 album The Blade incorporates an Odinic chant, Gealdor, into its varied laments. Wakeford tends to write from a melancholic position of doomed Romanticism, which laments the loss of beauty, love, and culture. He sees the American influence on global culture as very damaging to Europe, something he expresses with black humour in the song "Death of the West", from the album of the same name.
Sol Invictus album artwork has often showcased the expressionist paintings of American artist Tor Lundvall.


YearTitleFormat, Special Notes1987Against the Modern WorldMini-EP1989In the Jaws of the SerpentLive LP1989Lex TalionisPart of box set with Current 93 and Nurse With Wound1989Fields12" with Current 93 and Nurse With Wound1990Sol Veritas LuxCD1990Abattoirs of Love7"1990Lex TalionisCD1990Trees in WinterCD/LP1991The Killing TideCD/LP1992Death In June/Current 93/Sol InvictusLive CD with Death In June and Current 931992Looking for Europe7"1992The Lamp of the Invisible Light7" compilation track1992Somewhere in Europe/See the Dove Fall7"1992Let Us PreyLive CD1992King & QueenCD1994The Death of the WestCD1995In the RainCD1997The BladeCD1998In EuropaCD1998All Things Strange and RareCompilation CD1999In a Garden GreenCD2000TriesteCD2000The Hill of CrossesCD2000Eve7"2001BruggeLive concert, 1996-02-032002ThronesCD2003The Giddy Whirls of CenturiesCompilation CD2004The AngelCompilation CD2005The Devil's SteedCD[edit]

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