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Old 08.09.2006, 02:49 PM   #52
Savage Clone
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I know what you mean, and I can see some of that, but I will say that part of the reason "academics" are held in contempt by the rest of society is because they often speak from the smug and blanketed perspective of someone who is able to live in a vacuum of esoterica, blissfully uninvolved with survival in the outside world. It's a highly self-congratulatory environment filled with individuals patting each other on the back for being able to live in a world where they are paid to do little else but pass along their particular minute obsession to generations of fresh-faced youngsters who are mortgaging their own futures with student loans they will be paying off for decades to come, instead of buying homes for themselves.

I wish there were more specialized programs for writing degrees like we have for art schools and tech schools, where the whole "liberal arts" component could be voluntary instead of mandatory. I just may have had the patience to complete the program had I not had to waste time and money on useless requirements I didn't care about that supposedly make me such a "well-rounded" individual now.
I got enough of the world of academic requirements in high school.
One should be able to design one's own curriculum (you know, a set number of credits in a set of levels within a particular area of interest) when one is shelling out so many thousands of dollars.
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