Bloodyminded - Power Electronics through a Hardcore circa '81 filter..
insanely fun.
Graveyards - avant/free jazz trio (actually, i think Yeh's playing w/ 'em, so
it'll be Burning Graveyards) feat. john coorz from dead machines/wolf eyes
et al.
Caves - solo ear scrape, from a Einsturzende Neubauten/Dead C
perspective, keeps getting better..
Demons - synth duo of steve kenney & nate young from wolf eyes
Lambsbread - free/destroyed rock trio, will knock yr socks off!
Walter Carson/Nicole Chambers duo - will literally be making it up at
the last minute..
9pm at the Frowny Bear, Lexington KY, 208 Forest Park Rd, Wed. August 9th..this show will
rule! If you're in the area, please come & have a great time w/ us.
Best, WC
om mani padme hum