Originally Posted by !@#$%!
so who is the stupid now?
come on. have you not been following the news for the past 4 months or whatever?
yes it is a fucking disgusting and extremely dangerous outcome
but beyond comprehension? no fucking way!
where do we begin? with king lear's uncontested coronation earlier this year? his public display of senility on national tv? his slow and painful removal from the top of the ticket? the refusal to have an open primary and choose the stronger candidate? the reliance on abortion rights as the great mobilizer? empty promises of 25k for housing that never are going to make it through congress? the inability of kamala to run away from the democratic reliance on the left in recent years?
yes there are much larger issues at stake here but voters are stupid and nearsighted, and democrats are stupid and naive, but republicans are evil. and evil is winning today as it so often does in spite of comic books saying otherwise
i wanted the astronaut in the ticket. instead we got kamala and that kid's dad. the repukes gave us the dotard, vans, melon, and joe f. rogan.
You are (understandingly) handling this very badly.
Educational and Moral Decay are the main factors here. America is completely lost. Prepare for Civil War 2.
Maybe I'll post again in a year.