Originally Posted by Skuj
Fuck Fox News' RETARDED (sorry not sorry) FUCKING VIEWERS. John Oliver said, "Wow, if I were a Fox viewer, I'd feel pretty betrayed by that. This is like finding out that Big Bird regularly texted Elmo, 'Fuck them kids,' and Elmo agrees." That's very good

... except that Fox viewers feel betrayed the other way around - in those nanoseconds when for some reason somebody in the network goes rogue and does not feed them the election-denial horseshit. They LOVE the horseshit. They want to LIVE in the horseshit. And they go NUTS when somebody sprays air freshener on the horseshit. That's the whole point of this story: not that Fucker Carlson and Pighead Hannity lie (shocker), but that they had all kinds of seizures when they saw their numbers dropping and Newsmax's and OAN's climbing. At one point, Ingraham said in her show that although the audits and lawsuits would continue and fraud might indeed have been committed, this was a done deal and Agent Orange would not be reinstated as President. What happened? Her Twatter followers eviscerated her ass - "sellout" was the kindest word they had for her. These rich assholes
seem to run the show but are in a turd loop, scared shitless of their brain-dead audience, the same way Republican politicians have been of DT since 2016.