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Old 04.21.2022, 07:03 AM   #25143
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
no need to apologize lol, i don't give a shit and hate them all equally. again, for their cultural dominance in the grownup sphere, not for any other reason thst would ultimately be irrelevant.

but yeah it was genxers who started clinging to cartoons in adult age, playing with dolls ("action figures," lol, though personally i never did), eating baby cereal for breakfast, etc etc.

i remember in the 90s there was a popular record of various indie bands playing cartoon music... all i remember from it is the ramones did a decent rendition of tv spiderman. but can you think of bands for boomers doing, um, howdy doody or whatever the fuck? like, seriously?

back to film: some genxer luminaries like wes anderson or michel gondry or joss whedon are very clever boys playing with their toys. do i like their shit? yeah, guilty as charged. we started arrested development (literally)... or boomers did, except they got stuck in adolescence after they got their hormones. we got stuck in some preteen shit. i bet you whedon owns toys.

your generation (i think it's your generation?) went even deeper into the infantilism and gave us clapping music and pajama boy:


so yeah. we're all fucked to various degrees. but this is not a competition. me, im just looking for a way out of the babysphere. like, ragingly.

i guess my real complaint is that i wanted to grow up to be a degenerate, and instead the culture gave us... baby caca. and sure, there's plenty of porno out there, but porno is not art. i want my last tango in paris. i want a new empire of the senses.

Yeah, I’m a millennial. Or a millennial “cusper,” I guess. Born in the mid-‘80s, so too late to be Gen X.

I understand what you’re saying, actually, even though I can’t entirely relate to it.
Comic-book culture took an upward turn in both quality and popularity in the mid- to late ‘80s, too. A lot of the movies we’re seeing originated with ‘80s stories, or benefitted from big ‘80s works (Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, Gaiman’s amazing Sandman, etc.) so we probably ultimately have the gen-xers who bought and read those boomer-written comics to thank for the deluge of comic book and childish bullshit cinema.

My generation did take things further though. We got super dumb with it. We were raised thinking Batman ‘89 was a great work of art because it was one of the first adult-ish movies we saw. But at best it’s an OK way to spend 1.5 hours if you have nothing else to watch.

Anyway, I’m picking up what you’re putting down, my friend. Interesting perspective, too. I’ve heard my dad (who likes to fancy himself a Gen-Xer in spirit though he is 100% a fucking boomer, make no mistake), and my elder cousins (true Gen-Xers, I guess) lament the same things you’ve outlined here. And none of them get the MCU really. Hah.
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