I third the Isle of Dogs trashing. 'Twas disappointing after the Fantastic Mr. Fox being...at the least watchable.
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i haven't seen much of gaspar noé but while climax might be french he's argentinian (double hate for the hand of god? lmao). anyway i saw "love" by him and i can't remember a ton now. i remember i finished it... there was fucking and... sorry, drawing a blank, lol. very annoying characters, i think i recall now? i think voyeurism is his style without much more because all i vaguely recall is busy images. thanks for the warning.
Argentina and France, well there's two nations you wouldn't miss if Putin decides to push the button.
Apparently the Noe films Irreversible and Touching the Void are meant to be ultra disturbing, so naturally I'll be checking those out

Will no doubt be reporting back here with more unfounded xenophobic hate.