Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
please, like anything you like is better than 'Soma'.
r.e. !@#$%!: a solid half of Pablo Honey is good stuff - 'Creep' is great as mentioned, 'Blow Out' is also great, but stuff like 'You' and 'Stop Whispering' is also quite fun. Plus the songs generally come out much better live. Still easily Radiohead's worst.
you're forgetting "Lurgee"! Such an underrated gem of a song. I used to love it so much when I was like 16 or so. Going around the town with an old walkman (yes, it was 90s), listening to the crappy 2nd tape copy of this album and bathing in the spring sun ... yes.
Btw, Radiohead's worst is King of Limbs, not this album.