Originally Posted by !@#$%!
cmon friends, this is funny but let's stick to the whaddaya lissening and skip the validation seeking
im up late reading and i had the eternal airports on
i don't give a shit if anyone else likes it or not but if anyone else needs to chill the fuck out this probably is a good aural pharmaceutical to induce the deep relax
now quit yelling
post what you're listening to
ps ok i gave skuj a tiiiiny bit of shit but it was like one sheep shit size not a hot wet steaming cow patty and hopefully with a smile not serious business and only after he said "i cant figure this place out" as if idk.
but i digress
im putting on the noise cancelling headphones so i cant hear any more yelling 
I had a period where after going to the ten year anniversary of ATP festival I was thoroughly bloody miserable. I was working in a supermarket job I hated and couldn't stomach any music. Except for two albums. This one and Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen (any haters of Bruce need only listen to that album). I specifically have a memory of that period driving to work round these country roads, in December, in the pitch black all the while in the middle of a snowstorm and thinking "Jesus, I'm basically living the front cover of Nebraska and it's as depressing as it looks"
Eno and Harold Budd are my two gods for ambient music. Love them.