Roughly 10.000 people
took to the streets to march against the Lockdown and Covid-measures in general in Vienna yesterday. Many of those idiots were of course not wearing masks and there was virtually no distance between them. Several arrests based on different crimes and misdemeanors have been made. Among them were violations of the Covid-regulations and measures, resisting authority, attempted assault etc. According to local news, one of the speakers told the crowd to "throw that rag away already" - referring to masks. Present among the mob were former head of the far right party FPÖ (Freedom Party Austria), Heinz Christian Strache, as well as several known Neonazis like the founder of the former banned party VAPO, Gottfried Küssel. Also according to local reports, special ire was directed towards members of the media - several of whom were both verbally and physically attacked by the mob.
This is exactly the result of the aggressive stupidity I've been observing for months now. It was brooding away, contributing to a weirdly uncomfortable atmosphere that was tangible. And now it's really coming to a fore. A lot of this reminds me of the scenes we've seen play out in Washington D.C. - maybe not quite on such a massive scale, but of those incidents are tantrums of similar international monsters that have been allowed to fester in recent history. I'm so fucking done with the stupidity of mankind right now.

(Pictured: Idiocy, Austrian-style)

(Proudly waving the flag of misinformation)

(The crowd spreads, it sure does spread ...)

(Look: Austria even had its own horned moron.)