My mother (76) gets a shot against influenza every year. Some years she's under the weather for a coupla days after getting the vaccine, has to spend a day in bed, shit like that. But guess what: SHE DOESN'T GET THE FUCKING INFLUENZA, even though she spends a lot of time in crowded places, including clinics and hospitals (well, she used to before the pandemonium), because she still has to work given that her pension covers, what, one trip to the supermarket per month. Anyway, vaccines WORK; they do sometimes have side effects, the vast majority of which is bullcrap you just have to suck up and then you're good as new unless you're part of the 0.5% of the population who gets anaphylactic shocks from eating shellfish or whatever the fuck. SO TAKE THE GODDAMN VACCINE. Good Lawd people are stupid.
You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock.