So the tanning-salon-egomaniac is finally gana take the loss and fuck off eh.
The reign has not been all bad: I've enjoyed the documentaries viewed best as black humour comedies and enjoyed a good laugh at that pricks expense but the time always comes when
that joke isn't funny anymore and it's time for him to dissapear for good, or at least fuck off back to reality TV bollocks where he thrives.
He's been banging on about how America is the worlds best A country where health insurance costs are through the roof and people are only an injury away from being up to their necks in debt for life. Keep your shitty little country Trump yee fucking daaaaaaaft cuuuuuunt ye! Who gives a fuck about patriotism? bellends that's who. I've seen people say they love Trump because he's the president, so, If you love your country so much then get behind Biden, No? fucking derelict roasters. Started off with a small loan of a million dollars pffffffffffff. The guy's comedy gold. How can people genuinely like that twat?