Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Continuing with the “nervous” Democrats......the Traitor in Chief barack hussein obama will be hocking his book later today on CBS Sunday Morning and 60 Minutes. He will be spewing crap about President Donald Trump not admitting loss or that election fraud claims are unfounded.
"I'm more troubled by the fact that other Republican officials who clearly know better are going along with this, are humoring him in this fashion,"
"It is one more step in delegitimizing not just the incoming Biden administration, but democracy generally. And that's a dangerous path."
Of course he won’t mention the delegitimizing honest hard working FBI agents who investigated the Trump campaign in 2016 and found everything in order. And how he called a special meeting in the Oval Office in January 2017 just days before Donald Trump was to be sworn in as President and barak suggested they keep the investigation “open” and then VP Biden floated “The Logan Act” as a possible way to bring Trump down.
Also, barak won’t mention that just this week Biden contacted and talked with heads of other countries......where are the democratic bitches crying about “The Logan Act” now? Lastly, the sorry CBS reporter won’t dare breach the subject $30+ MILLION of our tax dollars being wasted on a useless Mueller Report, but Donald Trump who is fighting for the 70+ MILLION people who voted for him is somehow killing our democracy???