Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that was a nice fucking speech. such a relief!
It was a nice speech, speaking of reconciliation and reuniting the people. And at noon today I was at the State House here in Providence, where I saw a small group of Trump supporters with signs saying "Stop the Steal", while a larger group of Biden supporters were peacefully and politely demonstrating without anger or rudeness towards the Trump supporters, thus pleasantly distinguishing themselves from the forty thousand people I witnessed demonstrating in Boston Common against free speech in August of 2017 with a large Antifa contingent. I attended today's demonstration(s) as an observer rather than as a partcipant, and was heartened by what I saw.
And, yet, there's this:
Leftists, Never Trumpers Begin Compiling Lists of Trump Supporters
(And, yes, it's Breitbard, but READ it and tell me which facts are incorrect.)