Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Now if only they "took care" of BP, the Skunk and the Screaming Mook...
Why wood the mods ban anyone for expressing their differing opinions?
We aren’t the ones cussing others!
Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
T-minus 30 hours from the presidential debate and I wanted to take a look at the Joe Biden campaign. Simply put,
Joe isn’t running a campaign, the media has been doing it for him. The Biden campaign managers won’t let Joe out of his basement and somehow they expect the former VP to hold his own with Trump before a live national audience? Seriously...??
President Donald Trump has been averaging 2-3 visited states per day over the past week, thousands upon thousands waiting for hours just to wave as the presidential motorcade rolls by and meanwhile back at Joe’s basement the campaign has been
“shutting the lid” most days by 9am.
Joe Biden calls a lid
Tuesday 9:22 am
Wednesday nothing
Thursday 9:20 am
Friday 1:02 pm (visited RBG)
Saturday 8:34 am
Sunday nothing
Monday 9:30 am
I’m afraid that we are 30 hours from witnessing firsthand that Joe Biden isn’t capable of campaigning, completing a thought or making a point.