Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Michelle was equally as poignant before
It was something of Michelle Obama to accuse President Trump of "turning our back on alliances" days after he brokered a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, two allies the Obama-Biden administration spurned and placed in danger.
Horseshit. The JCPOA was ultimately beneficial for the whole region, just not for Bibi and the UAE. (And the latter are Islamic! The horror!)
Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
TV News HQ tweet
“DNC TV RATINGS PLUNGE: Initial ratings numbers now coming in show an approximate 50% drop in the DNC’sTV audiences from 2016 on the broadcast nets. Final numbers, including cable news, are due later, but they are expected to show a 40% fall.“
Just like his Dear Leader, Dick Cancer here believes ratings are where it's at; forget about truth, intelligence, eloquency, compassion. Anyway, don't worry, DC - with a little luck they'll just have to cut off your balls, which are evidently worthless.