Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Why would FaceBook need to block: KamalaHarris(dot)info
You can’t support BLM and the Biden/Harris ticket......can you?
Yeah, I support BLM and will be voting Biden/Harris.
So I guess you can!
Wouldn’t it be wild if people used the BLM movement as a deterrent against getting the most racist president since the pre-Civil Rights era out of office? Wouldn’t that just be a riot?
I normally disagree with Robert Schtuck (or whatever), but the left really has become self-defeating. As someone who was raised in a firmly progressive household in the ‘80s, and can see the strides forward between the Reagan era and the Obama era — even with all the blemishes that administration had — it’s extraordinarily disheartening to see liberal voters actively working against their own interests, but then again I’m used to it. Haha.