watched almost all of last night’s debates
my favorite performers were bernie and klobuchar
bernie is always good. “we’re all gonna support whoever wins this damn thing” was a great opener. also he was great at dismissing his soviet honeymoon and defending his approach to health care (although i still don’t see how he’d implement it).
klobuchar had a breakout night as bernie’s policy alternative without being nasty to him.
warren i realize always sounds like she’s crying. she’s got a good head for domestic policy so i hope she’ll have a cabinet position in the future, but i don’t see her style as presidential.
the eagle scout eloquent as always but klobuchar tore him a new one with the cartoon business. also he stumbled when asked about legalizing drugs.
uncle joe is a nice man and i thought he did well last night but again i don’t see him as presidential material as he keeps tripping on his tongue. still better than the dotard.
yang always makes me chuckle and has some clever thing to say but i see his role is more as a gadfly and he could be another future cabinet member.
steyer has some good things to say but seems more of a policy analyst or nonprofit director than a candidate.
klobuchar’s hair and make up, and it has to be said because it’s teevee, a huge improvement over the nosferatu shadows of earlier nights.
most of the night i was wondering why she knew so much but i couldn’t see her taking off. and the finally when she made her fdr appeal i found myself looking at the donation buttons in her website, no joke.