just another girl on the i.r.t. (leslie harris, 1992)
brooklyn in the 90s! wow. i bet it looks very different today. fucking hipsters!
this is an indie film that got some recognition at sundance back in the day and was distributed by miramax.
part of it is great, part is actually quite amateurish, but considering how it was shot for a mere $100k in 17 days in actual film stock, i say “of course, what else did you want.” miramax might have seen it as a chance to enter urban markets or something. unfortunately there were no sequels.
film starts as a hilarious look at a smart, self-absorbed teenage girl from the projects. then midway it turns into sad soap opera, and by the end it’s sheer ridiculousness and absurdity but o well—it’s okay to talk back at the screen and make jokes. yeah. so we did that.
it’s very far from a perfect movie. but holy shit, we need more movies like this that aren’t about rich white people (robigator hi) and don’t portray black people as either thugs or cops. was also a nice look back at a different side of the 90s because yeah, not everyone wore flannel shirts lmfao.
anyway, criterion put it up on their service. points for originality i say.