Persona - Som
One of the rarest and most desired Brazilian Psych experimental records full of fuzz guitars and experimental sounds. Includes the original large poster insert with instructions about how to play the Psych/Mirror/Candle “Persona Game” while listening to the record. Great trip experience featuring the members of Tutti-Frutti (the backup group to resident-freak-girl, ex-Os-Mutantes, Rita Lee): Luis Carlini (Electric Guitar, Harmonica, Echo Play Effects), Lee Marcucci (Acoustic Guitar), Franklin Paolillo (Percussion); Carmem Flores (Vocals on the Track "Agua”). Recorded at Studio "Midia" in Sao Paulo December 1975. Presented as a sonic/game during the XII Bienal de Arte of São Paulo by the artist Roberto Campadello and future Tutti Frutti musicians here at their most experimental peak ever! Experimental weirdness featuring a spoken introduction, percussion and guitar. Mostly it's just a studio mashup of fuzz guitar manipulations, but not anything like Gottsching or Reichel's works. More impenetrable than that and hard to find anything to latch onto. Highly original! If Mr. Stapleton had ever come across this one he would have surely put it in the infamous NWW list! - Roots Vinyl Guide