Originally Posted by demonrail666
Judge Dredd is the comic book character I grew up on and like everyone else I hated Sly Stallone's version. But this doesn't just blow that film out of the water, It might be my favourite comic book adaptation, period. Stripped down to a brutal action-film, sort of like Mad Max 2, it does nothing to try and make it appeal to a non-core audience. I'd happily see this turned into a franchise, bringing in characters like Judge Death, so long as they maintained the dark tone, stripped down approach and absence of back story.
It was good, definitely. Didn’t exactly — or in any way — capture the satirical spirit of the 2000 AD comics, but that would have been tough. I thought it was really well done and under appreciated. As much of an improvement from the Stallone version as Begins was from Batman & Robin.