Originally Posted by Severian
So... OK.
Mid90s was good. Ok? There was skill going on with the filmmaking. It was a compelling story.
1.) It’s basically an ode to KIDS, only from a rich white guy who plays hood-culture anthropologist (Jonah Hill)
2.) Some of the scenes are uncomfortable and upsetting to an almost gratuitous degree. I think Hill has skill as a filmmaker, but he’s throwing out some cringe- and depression-porn to fill in the holes where the story fails. Again, derivative of KIDS, only that was authentic. This is 100% acted and scripted and *formed.*
3.) It felt a little bit like culture trolling at times, and there’s a black character who might even be borderline stereotypical in nature (though genuinely lovable on screen). Something about the presence of a wise, black man looking out for our dipshit protagonist feels a little... ah... Bagger Vancy to me. I don’t know. Might be offensive to some.
Left me unsettled, but brought several smiles and a tear or two.
Worth watching, again. But not one I’ll watch again.
I've gotta say, this is a pretty damn spot-on assessment of this film. Watched it last night, read this, and pretty much agreed with it all.
Watching it really did fill me with an odd nostalgia though. And I often found myself thinking "Yep, that was the stupid shit I did in high-school. That totally is my crew." SPOILER: Like, especially the scene where they get in the car with the drunk driver. You think, "Who would do that?!?!" And then I realized, "Oh yeah...I did...multiple times at that age..."
I completely agree with it not fully feeling as "genuine" as
Kids and all, but I do feel that the idea of needing such acceptance at that age really does still come off pretty well.