Originally Posted by Antagon
And my latest Mixed-Media piece: Hauntback (2019)

oh i love the... what is the name of that effect. like when the offset print doesnt align. it fits the subject.
and glad you liked slr!
the best visual stuff in mtv was the video logos/idents and liquid tv. the classic video logos are more 80s.
oh look at this
but liquid tv was super90s and was a predecessor to adult swim
the first beavis and buttheads appeared there i think? and aeon flux, holy shit, like nothing i had seen before.
[eta see for example:
https://youtu.be/jKc2_QIO0Yo ]
cartoon sushi came later and had some good bits too.
oh hell, speaking of movies, city of lost children....
and by jim jarmusch, dead man has great visuals. night on earth, which opens the movies thread, was also iconic, but was more of a talky film—hilarious roberto begnini monologue in it. oh, trainspotting changed things too.
and dark city! i dont love the story but some people do. still, had its own look.