Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Just watched this. Talk about feeling shitty for driving a diesel car now! Honestly, my next car is gonna be electric after watching this.
yeah, switching to diesel to save energy only to find out it increases emissions is a huge disappointment. i have never been able to stand the smell of diesel so i stayed away.
and i would have said don’t despair, biodiesel can lend your engine a new greener life, but unfortunately as i understand nox increases with biodiesel. ayayay...
next, wait for the info on battery manufacturing’s environmental effects
eh, i just said this to illustrate that everything is tradeoffs....
i couldn’t drive electric where i live. the distances are too big. hybrid is appealing though, due to long driving range.
however, the most environmental thing i can do right now is to keep my 8 cylinder truck running for as long as possible, hahaha.
we mostly walk/bike to places, and the driving is just for rare supply trips faraway.
so, the embedded energy of a new vehicle would outstrip any fuel saving benefits.
srsly though, biking more and driving less would achieve tons more.
oh that game is on again