Originally Posted by !@#$%!
first i thought it was another film about the book
then i googled...
you talking about these ladies?
you're one of the guys in the window aintcha? 
Those are the three! They performed this song last night too along with 2 of my favorite songs by them! We ran a bit late since I'm an idiot and for the tickets...but didn't really matter as the line to get in was like 2 blocks long. We get there and I immediately buy a beer. I start heading to the room and I am told no drinks inside. Ok whatever....finish my beer)only had time for one) and go inside and think, 'I'll just grab another for a slow song or when they start talking...' but nope. They fucking stopped selling beer like 20/30 minutes into the fucking show. I don't know if this is something with the venue(The Paramount in Seattle) or this specific concert...but yeah. a little annoyed at that one.