Originally Posted by Chris Lawrence
Hey everyone, I did see that this thread was reported and came to check it out. I don't otherwise read this section, but the previous post rings true with me - unfortunately, this place has always seemed like a total free-for-all. I probably would've ventured into the non-sonic forums more often had there been less trash from certain types of posters (some of whom are no longer with us).
However, everyone has different ideas of trash, so here's a potential solution: Click "Your Settings" at the top, then under "Miscellaneous" on the left you'll find "Buddy / Ignore Lists" where you can (I assume!) add the names of people whose posts you're sick and tired of seeing. I would encourage people to use this feature, if it works as advertised.
So... the deliberately aggressive and offensive use of the word “N***er” (hard R on that one ) is not just universally considered “trash”?
It’s not the Wild West. It’s actually a highly used forum on a world-renowned band’s official website.
If you’re not banning racists who spam constantly, who are you banning? Why do moderators even exist?
No disrespect, but I hard disagree with your logic here.