I watched Der Goldene Handschuh by Fatih Akin on monday, never been so bored in my life. The whole movie seemed kinda pointless, seemed to be he only wanted to shock with the depictions of drunkeness and murder. I wonder if the book by Heinz Strunk also sucks so much. I *might* read it, just to make sure Hein Strunk doesnt suck.
I also watched Gegen die Wand by Fatih Akin. That one I really liked, though. Had nice shots of Hamburg in it and really depicted the kind of feeling I had when I spent my first summer here (minus the violence and minus growing up in a muslim family; but the city's vibe was nicely captured other than that).
I learned that the female lead grew up in the same city as me! AND she was in Game of Thrones? woot woot!
Originally Posted by gmku
Yeah, hillarious. I guess because I'm OLD (all of 60, oh, my god), I'm a pedophile. People around here don't have any sense of humor or class, yourself included. So fuck you, too, you stupid cunt.