I did an OPSIE in berlin. I bought way too many books. But I think they are good books and I am happy I found them. The shop at the KW Institute for Contemporary Art really broke my (bank account's) neck. But there was a David Wojnarowicz exhibit on, and naturally they had a good book selection because of that.
ANYWAY, right now I am reading something that I did NOT buy there, I am reading "The Red Parts: Autobiography of a Trial" by Maggie Nelson. It's the story about the reopened murder case of the author's aunt. She was killed in the late 60s, the case was reopened in... 2004/5? The author has never met her aunt, only knows her through her journals (and has used them to write a poetry volume about her aunt)... it's quite interesting, the book. Interesting thoughts about grief etc. nice.
Originally Posted by gmku
Yeah, hillarious. I guess because I'm OLD (all of 60, oh, my god), I'm a pedophile. People around here don't have any sense of humor or class, yourself included. So fuck you, too, you stupid cunt.