Originally Posted by Severian
Bird Box.
It pretty much steals its premise from Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos, but avoids an overt ripoff by leaving the monsters unseen.
I know H.P. wanted his work and ideas to be shared and expanded upon, but something about the lifting of these basic story elements rubs me the wrong way.
Still, it was better than I thought it would be.
Sandra Bullock is like the seventh most attractive woman in her own movie. That sounds really shitty, I know, but whatever having a plastic face makes it really hard to see her interact with non-plastic women without comparing, and the comparisons aren’t great for Sandy.
Some kinda crap writing too. Rushed, very small-screen in feel and pacing. But definitely not bad. Just not great.
so “i didn’t like it, pathetic, terrible, but not bad” you’re saying?