Ooh, a Radiohead discussion!
I don't know about you, but I see Videotape as kind of uplifting? But I'll wholeheartedly agree on Exit Music, that's one of the few songs that can get me towards tears.
The Exit Music -> Let Down -> Karma Police stretch is possibly my favourite three-song run of all time.
How to Disappear Completely (which, FWIW, was inspired by Michael Stipe - cool story) and Fitter Happier exist in a weird space where, despite being emotionally pretty low, I quite enjoy listening to them. Ironic, being a depressive bitch but taking solace in music that shouldn't help (I have used The Downward Spiral as a feel-good album).
Climbing up the Walls is a masterpiece.
Making myself up as I go along. Check out my music-themed blog, 79:57.