I'd say that I missed (most of) you guys, but truth be told, (most of) you are already on my Fapspace. That said, I fucking hate MyFace, and wish it would just fucking die.
There is a short-list that isn't on FaceSpace, or InstarGram, and those people leave a hole in my life as big as a fucking fucking tunnel to the devil's taint.
Mostly, I miss diarhea.compulsive.worm.jico, and the hateful gross things that we would speak to each other. I kinda love that GUY, and if he was a SYGIRL, I'd put a fuckin' babby in him; but alas, HE is NOT, and I don't know what to do.
That said, I click this link about once every six months, found a thread where some supergenius were talking about me, and couldn't help but sew chaos. I may have posted a thing on MyBook, and some people may have clicked "remember my password". I hope more do. I hope that one day, some day, this shithole can be back to the good ol' Golden Blue that we all love and miss.
It's hard to push threads these day when my timezone is interstellar, but I reckon this world has really gone to shit since everything fell apart.
I mean...even David Fucking Bowie died, so how are we supposed to carry on????
I don't want to discredit choc-e-Slice, and whatever good works she's done, because I think she seems like a real swell gal, but I wonder if the universe might just be open to it all falling back together.
And if you see verme.jico.diarrhea(prevaricator), tell that sunnovabitch hell-o.
And Satan. Please say hello, gurl, we loves you, whoever, and whatever you are these days. Don't make my heart hurt.
Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Oh hey everybody
change yr fucking avatart for once, whydontcha?