Thread: Nine Inch Nails
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Old 10.28.2018, 12:39 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Heh, there's been an entire EP* trilogy since the last post - thoughts?

My opinion: Year Zero is easily the most underrated NIN album and is probably my favourite out of the whole lot. The Downward Spiral is a close second, and whenever I'm dedicated enough to go through the whole thing The Fragile is magnificent.

What's people's opinion on The Slip? It seems to be divisive from what I've seen, but I love it.

And also, how cool is it that we finally get 'The Perfect Drug' live?

*I refuse to accept Bad Witch as an LP

I like Bad Witch, but like Add Violence and the other one, I consider it an EP... it’s about as long as Kanye’s “Ye,” which I also refuse to consider a full-length album.

I’ve always liked NIN, but the glory days were the ‘90s. Early ‘00s stuff has some nice moments but doesn’t quite feel the same. The Slip and Ghosts I-IV are my favorites from the ‘00s era.

Didn’t care much for Hesitation Marks.
The EPS are an improvement from that one but don’t get me as excited as a full-length or a badass Reznor/Ross soundtrack like The Social Network or Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

“The Perfect Drug” is one of NIN’s best — and most underrated — songs. The radio edit was just as punchy, just a groovy l and just as ballistic-missile chaotic in the unwinding final third as “Closer.” Excellent single, excellent song.

NIN learned from Aphex Twin. Radiohead learned from both, whether they admit it or not. NIN did OK Computer back when Thom & Co. still had the Bends.
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