For some reason a bunch of cool and rare videos have shown up on youtube of the butthole surfers. There's a 10 minute movie type clip introduced by alex wineter (bill of bill and ted) and is a hilarious clip with a straight laced couple accidentally stumbling upon a butthole surfers bbq/concert. One of the funniest parts is when gibby is masturbating into the bbq and it spells out satan.hahahaha
Butthole Surfers BBQ movie
There's also a great amount of live stuff on there too from their glory days.
Butthole Surfers- Mexican Caravan live 1984 on some cable access show
Butthole Surfers- Too Parter and Tornadoes Live 1984 from same show
BH Surfer- Live Jimi plus home footage interview 1989
BH Surfers Cherub live 1987
BH Surfers Cowboy Bob Live