Originally Posted by demonrail666
For all its silliness, Zardoz is brilliant. One of those films I just can't imagine anyone making now.
it is brilliant, and people are stupid. when you read contemporary reviews people make way too much out of irrelevant stuff like “sean connery in a red diaper,” and miss on big and important ideas like the horror of utopias, the illusion of human agency, and the necessity of death for life to thrive.
i loved it, again after i dont knwo how many rewatches over decades, and my only problems with it this weekend were the length of the effects sequences (when he absorbs the knowledge, and when he fights the tabernacle, maybe were more enthralling in the 70s, just like in 2001 when he goes into the prism and theres a laser show that seems to last forever now, and maybe worked better ina 70mm screen) and then obvious ways to drive the points home with bits of hammy dialogue, like when she says trying to destroy you i became you, etc, lol. and then he replies with obvious nietzsche quote with nietzsches name at the end lmao. like we didnt see that and we needed it with a signature fo affirm its authority lololol. i laughed.
but people are stupid and need their hammy dialogue. like in lotr when legolas says “a diversion!” no shit sherlock, thanks for the dictionary definiton legolas... so even with hammy explanation tons of people still dont get zardoz. this was boorman with freedom to do what he wanted after deliverance made bank.
the comedic exchanges between friend and arthur frayn still hilarious though. very good stuff!
i like john boorman. this one and the merlin one... what was the name of it. EXCALIBUR! fuck yes. wanna catch that one soon too. epic and great. love his take on the legend.