alright i'll keep an eye on it, thanks.
especially after what i saw yesterday...
so, been watching the ALL OR NOTHING man city documentary on amazon. it's from last year's campagin (so far anyway).
first episode is about building the team (and mourinho on van bruyne), second episode about the man u rivalry (and mourinho's interviews), third episode is about their undefeated streak up to the new year’s defeat against liverpool...
Been watching this myself. Im on the third episode and totally loving it.
one of the great treats has been to see the various silva highlights-- his goals, his passes, excellent.
Yes! Praise the lord
i also understand pep a little better now i think, seeing him speak, etc. he is clearly obsessed but seems a lot less detached into his head than the impression i had of him.
of course he is still a maniac but i appreciate him a little more. i guess that's the point of all pr/puff pieces after all. but yes. this has humanized him in my eyes ha ha ha.
I've always liked Guardiola. but I've a new level of respect for him now. Especially in comparison to Moanrinho who will use any situation to throw his players under the bus. Also, think you might like this...
now the thing is i realized that he learned something in bundesliga. which is:
at the beginning of the season when they're building the team they make a big issue of having players who can play like pep wants but who are also *physical*. and they make a huge deal out of how physical the prem is. and so you see john stones, and mendy, and van bruyne...
the thing is though, bundesliga is also very physical. and the champions league is also very physical-- like when you have to face atlético madrid for example.
There was one thing De Bruye has said that he had to take Guardiola aside and explain how big the second ball was in the Premier League. That's one of the things Guardiola struggled with and it showed in the Premier League in his first season.
And Burnley and Crystal Palace would kick Madrid all over the park
Anyway gotta go as I'm rushing. I'll talk more later.