07.27.2018, 10:28 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: In the land of the Instigator
Posts: 28,014
Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
But because of the goodness of AC, I’ve heard Houston may top 7 Million in the next census.
With all this discussion about heat, thought I would leave this link containing the new Daniele Menche - From Here To Electricity
“On these hottest summer days one can one hear the acoustic cracklings and hums from the power lines that feed into the big cities. The hotter the weather the louder the electricity is. The acoustic sounds of this loud electricity is caused by electricity reacting to the moist humidity in the air. This is known as corona discharge. I went deep in the mountains where these gigantic electrical towers come together in an intersection of great voltage intensity. No one else around for miles and no other human-made sounds except for the loud electrical crackling echoing in the mountain forest. This recording is a direct “as is” raw recording of myself walking around these electrical towers. The sound of my feet stumbling on the rocks is heard throughout along with the occasional birds and insects. No mastering or effects were used.”
released July 24, 2018