yeah that zemo nazi wasn’t ther on vol 2
vol 2 is:
first they’re doing some shit for some golden blondes but the rat steals stuff and they have to run away. then kurt russell shows up as ego (obvious name is obvious), the long lost dad who is really a whole planet who can manipulate matter and decided to reproduce and sure enuff impregnated the guy’s earth mama and reunited— they even play catch! who the fuck plays catch anymore? what a stupid fucking trope. but anyway. “catch”. like, everyone has to play it or they’re not a dad or something. gahhh, america. but anyway. it continues from there with more sappy nonsense. including zoe’s less-hot sister who “just wanned 2be a sisterr booohooo”. bad daddys everywhere. but the blue guy with the arrow will yank your tears hard! and his friends! it’s aaaaall about family after all. every character and thing is twisted to shit to fit that theme. yukkalicious.
no baron nothing. i haven’t seen capn’ ‘murka either so that is not in my radar.