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Old 12.28.2017, 01:01 PM   #21931
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!

thing is i normally descend upon the town once a week but this would force two consecutive dates, being redbox. maybe a day in between but no longer because i don’t want to owe purchase prices on a rental.

still doable, but i’d have to justify the trip with more than just getting the movie.

car maintenance is always a good reason... i might rotate/balance tires & pick up some parts. then do a library/liquor run. then...



Hmm. Thinking about geography, I think there’s a chance you may live closer to my mother’s property than I previously thought. Oh well, talk for another time.

Yeah, whatever works man. It’s not urgent. Just relevant to our previous discussions about Xtopher Nolan (don’t know why I just typed xtopher but I’m leaving it), because while it’s nowhere near my *favorite* of his films, I think it might be objectively his best; perhaps even bumping him up into a new league.

Now, whether that league is Kubrick (yay!) or Spielberg (sometimes yay! More recently nay!) or Ridley Scott (please god no, don’t let him become the “formerly brilliant” British epic-maker of choice for Hollywood skeeze!!), all that remains to be seen, I suppose.

ETA: If it was Blade Runner 2049 that you had not yet seen, rest assured I would be badgering the living fuck out of you, good sir.
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