Originally Posted by evollove
The way he alters his voice to fit the character of whatever the song is reminds me of Kate Bush. For reals.
Oops. Didn't know about Section 8.0. Those two tracks were great. Doesn't he have, like five or so early mixtapes also? He seems like someone I should listen to in order.
Really didn't like "Element" at all. Or maybe there's something really subtle in there I didn't get.
“Element” is a weird Kendrick song. So is “Yah.” I feel like both are kind of sneaky attempts to take the Drake model of making catchy, sing-songy hip-hop, and saying, “Hey buzzcut, THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE AN EARWORM.”
Kendrick revealed a new side of himself on the newest album, DAMN. Honestly, he’s been subtly reinventing his persona on each release. Not drastically like Kanye, but gradually and thougtfully like Dylan in the ‘70s. Another reason why Kendrick is the Dylan to Kanye’s Beatles.
I’m SO GLAD you liked “F*ck Your Ethnicity” (my hands-down, all-time favorite Kendrick song) and “HiiiPower” (which incidentally interpolates Kanye’s “So Appalled” in its chorus).
Here’s another one from DAMN. It’s the hardest goddamn thing ever. Don’t pay attention to the video... it’s meh... just listen to the track. Spoiler: shit gets REAL in the last minute or so. Like.. real as fuck and more intense than anything else I’ve heard this year.
(Context for DNA: Geraldo Rivera criticized Kendrick in 2015 during a performance of “Alright” on BET, and said rap music was a bigger threat to back communities than gang violence. Kendrick responds here, and at other moments on DAMN — like the “Yah” lyric: “Fox News wanna use my name for percentage... somebody tell Geraldo this ni**a got some ambition”)